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Being Authentically Social In Healthcare Jan 25, 2024

Do you struggle with social media strategy at your organization? Or maybe for your personal profile? In healthcare, mental health, and senior living, it can be overwhelming to master this area of business!
Because I am a member of the National Speakers Association, I often get the...

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Three Ways Healthcare Organizations Can Make Patients Feel More ComfortableĀ by Guest Blogger Intern Rachel Castleberg Oct 05, 2023

 Most of us have spent a morning in the waiting room of a local clinic, sitting in an uncomfortable chair, eyes switching between a year-old entertainment magazine and the clock on the wall. We finally get called up, see a speedy procession of professionals, and then find ourselves outside...

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Should Healthcare Customers Be Expected To Regulate Their Emotions When We Are Burned Out? Sep 20, 2023

Recently I went to get a rental car at a company where I am part of a loyalty program. One of the reasons I like this company so much is because I can get right off the plane and jump right into the car without talking to anyone or having to complete any paperwork.

At this particular airport, it...

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Is Your Organization Waiting for Everything to Go Back To Normal? Sep 06, 2023

Several colleagues recently became upset when I suggested that paying a little better, offering more flexibility for employees, and attempting new ways to engage their clients, patients and referral sources could be the answer to their staffing occupancy and customer servicewoes.

One of the most...

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A Bad Experience I Had In A Health Setting And How The Organization Could Have Done Better by Guest Blogger Matthew Ruchie Nov 10, 2022

About a week ago, I went to my physical therapy fitness center to work on regaining some knee strength following a torn meniscus injury.  Going to the gym is often an oasis for me.  It allows me space and time where I can work towards my fitness and physical therapy goals without...

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