Tell Us About Your Needs
Providing Great Senior Living Service During The Great Resignation Oct 16, 2023

Have you experienced inferior service during the last few years?  Maybe you ordered a new dining room table, or washer and dryer and were told there were going to be massive delays. Perhaps you went to your favorite restaurant and couldn’t get in for dinner because they closed earlier...

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Happier Employees and Residents: Less Stress for You Aug 03, 2023

As a senior living executive, it’s likely that one or more of these questions stress you out on a daily basis:

  1. Do I have enough quality staff to care for my residents?
  2. How is my occupancy?
  3. What can my team do to reduce resident and family complaints?

Senior living residents and their...

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Want A Talented Fully Staffed Team During The Great Resignation? Itā€™s Time To Let Go Of Age Bias At Work Jan 31, 2022

Can you imagine bashing someone of another race, religion or sexual orientation at work?  I sure hope not.  So why do some organizations sit by and allow their employees to bash persons based on their age? 

Recently a team of Gen-Xers and Baby Boomers told me about a “problem...

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