Are In Person Continuing Education Events Worth It To Attract Healthcare Referral Souces? Only If You Do It Like This.
Sep 28, 2023
For a long time, senior living organizations have utilized in-person continuing education/ CEU/CE events as a way to build relationships with trusted referral sources. During the past few years, there's been a shift, and it can be a bit harder to get health and mental health professionals and other similar providers to visit your community due to the popularity of virtual events.
Many people know our company Jenerations Health Education, Inc. as a provider of continuing education credits for social workers, nurses, case managers, nursing home administrators and countless others but that's actually only a small part of what we offer. In fact, I don't personally do them that often anymore as my team members usually cover them.
But I had the opportunity to present last week at the Brightview Senior Living Woodmont location. I want to highlight them because they really blew my mind with the incredible customer service experience they provided to their guests.
First, they sent an e-mail out ahead of the event with very specific parking instructions. This is huge. Especially in an urban location, visitors don't want to stress out trying to figure out parking during morning rush hour.
Second, they were set up well before the speaker (me) arrived. I can't tell you how many times I have arrived to a continuing education marketing event and was scrambling to set up at the last minute. When this occurs, I want to say 'you may as well not have had this event because of how disorganized it makes your organization look.'
Third, the teamwork on display was inspiring. There were at least seven associates onsite working at different points during this event. The dining services, housekeeping, sales and programs team members greeted guests, provided beautiful refreshments (including an omelette station!), and tidied up the room at several different times as people finished eating. This is the kind of reception that sends the message to professionals that they can feel confident making referrals when they have clients, patients and family caregivers who are a good fit for the community's services.
These might seem like "small things" but as someone who has done hundreds of these events, I can tell you that this does not happen at all CE marketing events. And the guests notice when the event is done with their comfort in mind.
Especially, when professionals have so many virtual CEU/CE options these days, it's crucial to make the experience memorable when busy healthcare customers take the time to visit your community.
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